So I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post again. Life just gets in the way sometimes... This was a busy month partially filled with sickness (stomach virus for 3 of us and colds for the 4 of us). Hopefully next month we'll all feel better.
We had a short visit from some of my family from NC, but unfortunately no pictures to show for it! Rachel spent a fun weekend with Aunt Constance and Uncle Jeffrey and loved every minute of it.
Jackson continues to get bigger and bigger and is such a cutie. He's four months old now and has that check-up in the morning. He is about to roll over from his back to his tummy any day now and can sit up - as long as you support him.
Here are a few pictures from the month.

First thing in the morning, hanging on the couch.

My three loves getting ready for school.

Sitting much better in the Bumbo seat now.