Well, we finally made it back to Charlotte for a visit and we managed to see almost the entire family - even if only for a short period of time. I forgot to take my camera to dinner Friday night so I don't have any pictures of that night unfortunately...
Saturday morning we went to the park with Grandpa. Rachel loves feeding the ducks (or geese in this case).

She didn't actually ride with Jackson on there - we just set him on there for a minute - and that was long enough!

We made a stop by Great-Grandmother Perkin's house - she met Jackson for the first time!

And we went to the playground Sunday morning as well with Nana... Rachel loves playgrounds and will go anytime you ask her.

Jackson getting in on the swinging action...

Overall it was a very good trip. We drove during nap time in hopes that Rachel would sleep some of it - but that didn't happen - either time. She stayed awake and never even closed her eyes. But it wasn't too bad. Jackson slept pretty much both drives - which was great. It was his first road trip and he handled it like a pro!