Today was Rachel's first day of Pre-K. She's going to Pre-K at the same school she's gone to since she was a baby, so that part didn't change. Just a new class, new teachers, more dedicated learning, etc. Overall, she was pretty excited about it all.
Jackson didn't start his first day, but it was his first day wearing shoes to school! Ha! No, really, it was. We've always just sent him in with no shoes - he was a baby, no need... But now that he is standing more (he's still not walking - barely does it with us - definitely not on his own yet), I thought he needed to be wearing some shoes. I found him some at a consignment sale on Saturday and thought this was the cutest little outfit.
On a funnier note, yesterday I was going over an "All About Me" poster with Rachel for her new class. One of the things asks what she wants to be when she grows up. Without hesitating, Rachel answers "A fairy. Or a pirate. A doctor." *laugh* Too funny. Then I told her that I thought she'd say a teacher b/c she loves to teach her babies. So later on when Michael asked her about it she said a doctor or a teacher... But I love that she wants to be a fairy. Or a pirate.