Last night was one of Rachel's friend's birthday parties - at a nearby skating rink. Rachel was very excited to go because this would be her first time ever trying to skate. Can you say nightmare??? It all started off okay and she was excited to see her friends there...
Here she is before she actually tried to skate - right after I got the skates on her.

We made it about two steps into the rink and she fell after already freaking out walking over to it. She hated it. They were able to use the little skate-mates to help them keep their balance and even still she didn't like it. We tried on and off to stay on the floor instead of the carpet and she liked it when she was close to one of her friends - but we only made it around the rink one time. And most of it was spent on the carpet... It was rough! Michael showed up right as we were finishing the first lap (we had left the diaper bag at home and he had to run and get it) and he tried to help her go back out - but she was having none of that! It really was bad...
Here is Rachel and her friend Sarah Grace looking brave...

After the big meltdown, we took her skates off and let her just run around the carpeted area - she was more than fine with that!
Jackson wanted to run everywhere and didn't want to be contained at all...

Afterwards she didn't even remember getting she is outside waiting on Michael to come back and get us.

And we played a little outside when we got's little man!