As usual, time gets away from me, so here's another recap of the last three months. Lucy still loves to sit and look out the window in our bedroom. She barks at every person or animal she sees walking/riding by. We are still dealing with her seizures. We haven't gone longer than 2.5 weeks since Christmas without her having one. We've added a new medicine and are continuing to work with the vet on finding the right amounts for her. Thankfully, the seizures aren't nearly as long or severe as they were before she started the meds.
We had snow for one day in January. It snowed all day long and we only ended up with about a 1/2 inch.
Rachel joined the crew in the drama department for their winter show - "Footloose". She loved it and even got to be on stage during one of the scenes. It was fun to watch!
Jackson has gone on a couple of campouts with scouts over the last two months. Michael has been busy with competitions both times so he wasn't able to go.
And we've had two crazy things happen recently. The first was this little snake inside our house two weekends ago when Michael and Jackson were both gone. I went to take Lucy out and do her last meds at 11:15 that Friday night. As I walked around the couch, he was sitting in the little hall between the bathroom and the pantry. I HATE SNAKES...and I FREAKED OUT!!!! I called Michael, woke Rachel up, and ended up having to call my wonderful neighbor to come get it out of my house. It was horrible.

Then, also last week, there was a morning where Michael was going to have to leave for work before Jackson left for school. So Jackson was going to have to take Lucy outside to potty before he left - which he doesn't love to do b/c he's scared that Lucy's going to run off. Michael had just told him that she'd be fine, that she's gotten so much better with it, etc... So, Jackson takes her outside. Lucy's sitting out there and then bam! She takes off to the left. Apparently there were eight deer in our side yard and she saw them and took off after them! Jackson runs after Lucy, yelling at her to come. The deer get close to the street and Lucy is siting about 3/4 way down the yard. Jackson picks her up and then the deer start chasing him back to the house!! He runs back, screaming, gets up on the deck and then slams the door to get inside. He said that was the most scared he's ever been. Can you imagine being chased by a group of deer like that?! We're not sure if there was a young one somewhere else that he didn't see and perhaps they thought he was endangering it or what. But still. Wish we'd gotten that on video...
It's always something around here!
Next week is spring break. Michael is still doing woodworking projects. He built a kitchen island for a neighbor and is now doing an 8ft. round table for a nearby church. It is going to be HEAVY!!! Here are a few pictures of the island that the family posted on Facebook. (He didn't do the granite countertop but did the rest.) It ended up looking great!