Jackson's one year check-up was this morning. Everything is great... keep your fingers crossed that it stays that way for awhile as the kids start back to school in a couple of weeks. In the past, Rachel has always gotten sick within the first 3 weeks of being around everyone...
Here are his one year stats - you can compare them to Rachel's (below).
Jackson: 24 pounds 5 oz. and is 29.5" long.

Cutie doing the birthday dance!

Rachel at one year:
Weighed 23 pounds and 9 oz and was 28.25" long.
Everyone thinks he is a lot bigger than she was but really he's only less than a pound heavier and 1.25" longer than she was at this age.
Speaking of which, here is my favorite picture of Rachel when she turned one.

And I thought this was cute... Rachel playing at her table in her playroom while Jackson watches from outside the gate - he's not allowed in there yet...

Our birthday fun is over for a while... I go back to work tomorrow... Michael and the kids start back on the 8th - which is in a week and a half. We've been enjoying our relaxing days - especially this weekend.
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