We haven't done a whole lot these past two months. Kids have still been in school (although Rachel was quarantined the week before Thanksgiving because she was a close contact at school). The virus has been going through their schools like crazy so we were holding our breath to make it to the end of the semester. Michael is still working from home. His office is closed and they have no intentions of opening back up anytime soon.
One night at dinner, Jackson won this face mask out of a machine and gave it to Michael. Jackson was so excited! Ha!

Jeffrey, Constance and their kids came out for the week of Thanksgiving so it was really good to see them and spend some time together. We did dinner one night while all of the grandkids had a sleepover at Barbara & Dawson's. Rachel helped everyone make their own pizzas and then did a craft before watching a movie.
We also had family pictures taken while they were here. They turned out great!
And Thanksgiving dinner - the kids ate by themselves on the deck.
We decorated our house for Christmas...I found some big lights to add to our pre-lit tree that is really old and half the lights are dying. I love the larger size lights!
We drove around and looked at Christmas lights a few times. There weren't a lot of Christmas activities, parties, festivals, etc. this year b/c of the virus... Which left things a little boring.
We stayed here for Christmas this year - not going up to NC to see family was different, but we felt it was best for us at this time. We're in the middle of our break right now. We've watched a lot of movies lately...
Our Christmas art projects - Rachel made a snowman, Jackson made a Santa cam, Michael made a Christmas tree out of a pine cone, and I made some decorations out of pop tabs.
And these were the ornaments we got for Christmas this year - all 2020 related!
New pajamas on Christmas Eve...
And Christmas morning... We actually woke up to a little bit of white outside...it was the closest we've had to a White Christmas in a long time!!
He finally got the hoverboard he'd been wanting.
And she got a Kindle.
Lucy got a new jacket and some chew toys...
Don't know what Santa was thinking - bringing him a one pound gummy bear!! But he loved it!
And he got a seat for his hoverboard and some new onesie pajamas - which he wore for the rest of the day.
We celebrated at our house this year. It was freezing cold outside on Christmas day, but we had a nice time. We chose to do appetizers and munch throughout the day - instead of having a big meal. It was delicious and we still had plenty.
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve...We'll be celebrating at home, again... No big plans. Here's to 2021 being a better year than 2020 was! Happy New Year!
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