Sunday, May 23, 2010

This Weekend

Well, one of my nightmares came true this weekend. I looked out the window yesterday afternoon to see a 2.5 - 3 foot snake slithering around our deck. I freaked... But by the time Michael (and the neighbors) got out there he was no where to be found. Ugh! Of course I didn't go out there, but I did manage to run and grab my camera. I got a picture through the door, but he never stopped moving so I couldn't get the whole thing.
We've seen a lot of chipmunks and some rabbits around our deck and backyard lately though so I'm afraid that's what is attracting the snakes. Ugh!!! I am terrified of snakes so that makes me not want to go back out there... but of course Rachel loves it outside so I'm sure we will be back out soon. She was at her grandparent's house for the weekend so she didn't get to experience it - thank goodness. I'll try not to instill my fear of snakes in may be hard though.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello Blog World!

Hello! This is my first post as a blogger so I just wanted to say hi. We have lots going on this weekend so come back soon to see pictures and more on our family.