Friday, June 28, 2019

End of School and June

School has been out for a month now.  Both kids had a great school year.  Rachel wasn't ready for school to end.  She made the all-A honor roll for her whole 6th grade year!  I know she worked hard for that.  Jackson had all A's and B's and really liked his teacher this year.  

Awards day for both.

And their last day of school.

These two are a little out of order, but we went to see an Atlanta United game on Mother's Day - the day before Nationals.  

Both kids went to camp at the beginning of June.  Rachel went to middle school camp with the church the first week and Jackson went to elementary camp with the church the 2nd week.  Her group didn't post very many pictures, but here's one of her and Bella about to board the bus that Monday morning.  And an entire group shot at the camp.  They were in Kentucky.

Jackson's group went to Alabama and he had a great time as well.  

Father's Day was a couple of weeks ago.  We went and had a slice of pie at Pie Bar and had dinner at Taco Mac.

Lucy is still doing good... She's a sweet girl.

We saw a beautiful rainbow early one morning recently!  It was one of the brightest ones we'd ever seen.  

 I think this was from the Memorial Day party in the neighborhood - Michael and all of his friends.  They enjoy the pool more than the kids do half the time.  

And swim team has already happened this summer.  We had the banquet last night.  Both kids did good again and continue to like swimming.  They both missed a couple of meets because of camp and being sick, so it wasn't our strongest season, but we'll take it!