Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March...So Far

Both kids are playing soccer through our school league this year.  Rachel played last year and this is Jackson's first time in this league.  He didn't like playing 2 years ago and didn't want to do it last year with school...but I'm so glad he tried it this time.    Jackson is on a K-1 team and Rachel is on the 4th/5th grade team - much more competitive this year!  Makes for busy Saturdays right now but it's fun!

Ready for their first game!

With some of our neighborhood friends after their games.

Our church has a service once a year where they give a new Bible to the First Graders.  Here is Jackson before the service and getting his Bible.

Rachel's friend, Haley, came with us to hang with her.

Afterwards during the reception...

And Jackson with Pastor Johnny.

Ready for St. Patrick's Day...

And this was Rachel's cereal box project that she worked really hard on...Fourth grade has been a lot of work so far...