Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

It hasn't been long since I did the last post, but here are our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day pictures.  We went to the Christmas Eve service at our church on Wednesday afternoon.  It was different!  

Jackson received a bag of clothes from someone at my office and in it was a dress coat... he's never had one before and calls it his "police shirt"... he's been wanting to wear it so Michael told him he could wear it for this service.  He was very excited to wear it and I thought he looked so handsome!!!

We've never really had outside Christmas decorations before, but we are trying to slowly add to it without breaking the bank.  Michael made these blue Christmas trees out of tomato plant stands this year.  They looked great outside in the front yard. 

And of course they got new Christmas pajamas...both have an elf theme.

Oh the excitement of seeing what Santa left on Christmas morning... They look excited, don't they???  

We went over to Grandmama and Granddaddy's house in the afternoon.  

Rachel got a razor scooter and slowly got used to riding it...she wasn't too excited about it to begin with...

Jackson got this ride-on-wiggle-thing... we don't know what to call it, but he loves it.   

Just hanging out...

Here is Jackson from this morning dressed in his new Batman pajamas... he was so excited for them - and it even has a cape! 

And I finally remembered to take a few pictures of Harold, their elf, this season...not as many as I wish I had, but here are a few of his crazy hiding spots he had... The kids loved finding him each morning.  So long until next year, Harold!  

We hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas time as well!  Enjoy the New Year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Christmas Season

We got a few more pictures at church last week in the same spot as before. 

Love, love, love this picture of Rachel!  

The kids last week of school before Christmas was last week.  Since we have four teachers to buy for right now, we don't go big.  But I saw this and thought it was super cute.  It's wrapping paper, tape and the tag reads:

Since November, you've been shopping, barely sleeping, hardly stopping.
Now it's late, you're in a scrape, out of paper or out of tape.
Hope this wrap helps save the day!
Have a Happy Holiday!

Everyone loved them.

We left Saturday morning and drove to Charlotte for the weekend to spend some time with my side of the family.  We spent Saturday with mom & Jim and Jeremy and Cathy's family.  Rachel and Jackson love getting to play with their cousins!

Separating presents!

Loving on Ted...

Both got new umbrellas and love them!

Julia, Anna Grace and Rachel.

All of us.

Jackson loves to play with Jeremy...he was being so silly.

And this little guy isn't so little anymore!!  Samuel, my oldest nephew, turns 13 this week... can't believe that!  Happy birthday, Sam!  

Sunday, we went over to the Davidson side and spent time with everyone there.

Rachel and Tori were sharing cheers with each other. 

Playing hide-n-seek!

Group picture #2.

And with my grandparents... four generations here.

And before we headed out, we went by and saw my Grandma Perkins.  It was so good to see her as well!

Yesterday was a long day since we drove home.  Everyone was tired - the kids got a short nap and then we went out to Petit Creek Farms to look at Christmas lights.  I had a Groupon for the hayride but it was supposed to rain.  We got there and saw it was covered, so we attempted it anyways.  It was fun.  They saw goats, camels, zebras and an emu along the way.  I had hoped to get a picture of us in front of the lights but it started raining harder and I forgot.  

The white baby goat was so cute!

The camels came right up to us to be fed!

Jackson got a little freaked out by them being so close...

And behind the kids here are two reindeer laying down... Comet and Cupid.  

 Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  We're going to our first Christmas Eve service as a family.  Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Start of Christmas

It's the most wonderful time of the year... I love the Christmas season.  We decorated our house the day after Thanksgiving and went to visit Santa the same night (got it done early this year!).

Here are the kids with Santa.

And Mrs. Claus.

Our church has a great area decorated really well at Christmas and I love to take their pictures there.  Here are a few we got last week.  We were just about to get a family picture when Jackson tripped and fell and ruined that chance.  Maybe this week we'll get that one.

Jackson loved that sheep.

Love this picture!

Last night was my office Christmas party and it was Rachel's Father-Daughter dance at her school - the same night.  It was the same night last year as well so Michael missed my party.  This year, Rachel said she'd like for Granddaddy to take her to the dance, so Dawson came over and went with her - and Michael went with me.  Barbara stayed with Jackson and they had fun night together as well!

We were trying to get a picture of the three of us and Jackson just crawled over and sat down with us... I think he felt a little left out because he wasn't getting dressed up to go anywhere...

Grandmama took him to McDonald's for dinner (where else would he choose to go?) and then to Target to walk around and look at toys - which he loves doing.  Here he is modeling a Santa hat. 

They both had a great time and were exhausted by the time they got in bed.  

I'm sure there will be more Christmas pictures to come soon.