Thursday, March 19, 2020

Start of the Year

I really thought I posted for January already but I guess not...sorry.  We're always busy but I don't feel like I have a ton of pictures to show everything.  So this may be a little choppy.  

Michael went to Donuts with Dad at Jackson's school.

Jackson wanted to make blueberry pancakes for dinner one night so he did. 

He made his Pinewood Derby car into a Big Pink Eraser...he was so excited when he won first place for the design!  He worked hard on it.  His Den also earned their Webelos badge that evening.  

We found a new sushi place that we all loved.  It's called Revolving Sushi and you can grab individual pieces as they pass you on a conveyor belt.  It's a good place to try different kinds.  

Another cub scout event at a Canine Assistance place.  They raise dogs to be helper dogs.  It was a neat place and the puppies were so cute!!!

At the beginning of February, we had a few flurries one morning while at school - I thought that might be the only snow we got so I went out and took a picture... That day was crazy at school - two separate incidences of trees falling on power lines and causing the power to be out at our school.  The second time it lasted over 4 hours.  What a day!

Jackson and I at the Mother Son Bingo Night at his school.  

His last day with his braces on the top teeth.  And below a couple of days later - no braces and a haircut.  He'll have to get them again in a few years - waiting for the rest of his molars to come out now.

Rachel got 8 inches cut off her hair!  

And you can see by the background that we finally got a little bit more snow.  It was the following day - and it snowed for about 2 hours or so... Enough to cover the ground for a few hours, but it was all gone by later that afternoon.  At least we got to see it for a short time!

Sweet Lucy...

Rachel finally was able to compete in a swim meet a few weeks ago.  She's been limited for the last few months because of her back pain, but now that we got that under control, she's back to normal.  

Beautiful sunset at one of the first soccer practices for Jackson.  The season has started back and he's on a better team this year.  

Rachel had another band concert - this is her and one of her friends. 

We went to Bruster's in our pajamas to get a free ice cream cone.  Yum!

Jackson and the bottle rocket he made...that was fun!  Some of them went really high up into the air!

And the big story of the week/month/year is this Coronavirus.  Wow - how crazy is this.  Everything is shut down for the rest of the month - maybe longer.  Schools, work, sports, etc... So we're all at home with each other.  The kids have digital assignments to do for each class online each day.  We're on day four so far and it's going alright.  Rachel's has taken an average of 5-6 hours each day and Jackson's has taken 3-4... We have to do more hand-holding with him though.  Michael is working from home as well, so everyone is set up in their areas on their computers... Rachel is already ready to go back to school and Jackson seems bored half the time.  The novelty of being at home didn't last long! 

Lucy on the other hand wants me to hold her all day.  I need one of those baby carriers so I can just wear her.  This was her on the first day...just laying against me.  Sweet girl...