Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby Shower

We were lucky enough to have been thrown a baby shower this weekend by wonderful family and friends! The food was great, decorations adorable, and company was delightful! Thanks to everyone that came and helped with it.

This was Rachel's first "shower" of any kind and she really enjoyed herself (after we had to clarify that no water was involved in this type of shower...).

Emily & Constance

Emily, Mom & Rachel

Rachel very happy about the gift she got from Nana!

Cute decorations!

P.S. I'm still trying to figure out the background and header and everything on this blog - so bear with me! Thanks...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Rachel is taking her first swimming lesson this week and next. It's 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week for 2 weeks. She is loving it! One of the neighborhood swim team coaches is her teacher and there are only four kids in her class. She's learning to kick her feet, blow bubbles in the water, use torpedo arms and float on her back (so far). Michael is taking her each day and she tells me about it each night. I can't wait to go to the pool with her this weekend so she can show me what she's learned. Here are a few pictures that Michael was able to get yesterday.