Thursday, December 26, 2013

It's Christmas!

This month has gone by fast - to me anyways.  I started my Christmas shopping early again this year so I was pretty much done by early I didn't have to do as much rushing around the last couple of weeks.  We've enjoyed all of the Christmas music and the twinkling lights all around... And the kids couldn't wait to come down and find where Harold (our Elf) was each morning.  I should have taken pictures of his hiding spots...maybe next year!  

One evening a group in the neighborhood went caroling down the main road, from one end to the other.  Rachel and Michael went the whole way and Jackson joined them in the middle.  It was a very cold day that day too!  

Here are a few pictures we snapped before church one morning... I just loved these sweet pictures I got with Jackson!

Christmas Eve night, we got ready and went to Pappadeaux for dinner (same thing we did last year).  Rachel was hoping we would go there again! 



New Christmas pajamas!

Both were very excited for Christmas morning, especially Rachel.  

And many of you have wondered if Jackson was getting too big to still be sleeping in his crib... I know, I know.  We didn't have to push him out of it like we did Rachel, and he never tried to climb out of it (until recently), so we just left him in there - it was easier!  Well, he finally got a big boy bed for Christmas!  He loves it.  I thought we might have to let him get used to it for a few days, like we did with Rachel, but not so.  He got it Christmas morning and wanted it in his room that night to sleep in... He hasn't looked back!  

 And Rachel got a new sleeping bag - she's pretty excited about that too. 

I just love Jackson's handmade Minion cap.  So cute!  He's pretty proud of it himself. 

And he got two other Minions this year too.  We love them!  

I had mentioned to Michael that I need something to hang my long necklaces on b/c they just get all jumbled up on my dresser because they are too long.  Well, he came up with this idea himself and he and Rachel built it - she picked out the fabric and helped him work on it a lot.  I was very pleased!  

We spent most of Christmas day with Michael's family.  Rachel and Jackson just love playing with Chloe. 

Jackson's nurturing side comes out when Chloe is around... he wants to play with her and take care of her...

and pull her around in the tricycle...

At one point, we put on a movie... Rachel and Jackson didn't hardly sit still for it, but Chloe sure did!  She sat and watched it for probably 45 minutes or so... It was so cute!

So that was our Christmas.  I hope you all had a wonderful day as well!  

I wanted to add this picture too... I did another painting class last weekend...this time Rachel came too, along with our friends, Kim and Bella.  We all painted a snowman - Rachel's was a snowgirl.  I really like those painting classes and can't wait to do more!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Early December

Sorry for not posting in a while.  Feels like it's been forever.  This post has a little of everything from the past few weeks.

The day after Thanksgiving we decorated our house for Christmas.  We love getting it all done that Friday and being able to enjoy it for the rest of the season.  Rachel and Jackson both helped Michael put the ornaments on our tree. 


We surprised the kids with a little pre-lit tree for both of their rooms this year as well. (We bought them on sale after Christmas last year)  They enjoyed making a few ornaments to put on them as well as picking out a few more.  Here are the kids with their trees.  Note:  This is what Jackson does half the time now when you ask him to smile for a picture.  Ha!


One morning before church...Rachel loved that black outfit.  

Last Friday night we went to see Santa.   It happened to be one of those warm days which made it nicer because we didn't have to bundle up like we usually do.  And it wasn't crowded yet so basically we just walked right in.  And no hesitation from either of them about sitting on Santa's lap this time.  I guess we're finally past that part!  

Rachel had written her list of what she she is reading it to Santa.  

Jackson thinks he's supposed to ask for candy from Santa because Santa always gives them a candy cane before they leave...


Also last weekend, my dad and Debbie came down for a short visit.  Grandpa had a direct dial line to Santa on his phone and Jackson called it over and over and over... he loved hearing Santa talk!

Last night was my office Christmas party and Service Awards Dinner combined.  Unfortunately, it was on the same night as Rachel's Father-Daughter dance at her school.  So, Michael wasn't able to come with me (he was rather disappointed).  I had to leave earlier so the kids weren't ready yet.  (Side note:  if you want Jackson to smile for a picture, don't try to take one of him... if you don't want him in the picture, he'll want to be in it!)

Michael got Rachel ready and snapped a few pictures before taking Jackson next door to Sherry's house for little time they were gone.  Jackson loved being over there with them!  

Christmas is in ten days... I'm sure we'll have more pictures soon!  Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Cheerleader is Born

It's not Halloween but Rachel is still in her cheerleading uniform... A new one that is - hers.  She is now cheering for her school basketball team and they had their first game today.   It was loud and a little chaotic at times, and oh so many girls...but overall she did really good for her first time.  
I'm sure she'll get better each week.

Before the game...

Waiting to go out...

Ready for the halftime show.

It's kind of far away, but it was a cute pose with the other girl...