Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Rachel is Baptized

Rachel made the important decision to ask Jesus into her heart a couple of months ago and was baptized at our church this past Sunday.  She was excited and nervous at the same time but ended up really enjoying the experience and was so happy about it!
It's almost her turn!  She choose to go last out of ten people.
Afterwards, while she was getting ready for church, Mrs. Reynolds, her kindergarten teacher, snuck up to give her a hug and a pretty necklace.  How sweet is that?!? 
It was a great morning!

Jackson Turns Five

Last Friday was Jackson's birthday.  His fifth!  He got to go get a donut for breakfast, play at Catch Air with some friends for a while, got to pick where we went to dinner (Olive Garden) and go to the pool on  his birthday.  And we celebrated again on Sunday with a little party with the family! 
And in the middle of all of our stuff,  he had two of his best friends' birthday parties as well.  

I worked on his cake all day Saturday.  We still love the Minions in our house...
I think he had a great birthday! 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Our Mini Vacation

I took a few days off this past weekend and we took a mini-vacation.  We spent the weekend at the beach with my dad and Debbie.  It was an 8 hour drive for us, so the drives were very long...but the two days we had there were nice!  We were a little concerned ahead of time because there have been a  lot of shark attacks on the NC/SC coast recently - two at the same beach we were going to... But we're happy to say, we didn't see any (big) sharks in the ocean and we did get to play in it some. 
One of our stops on the way there was in a little town called South of the Border - that's a crazy place.  Rachel didn't want to be in any pictures that day, so here's a couple of Jackson.  We didn't plan to stop there, it just happened to be right when we needed a potty stop. 
We spent most of Saturday and Sunday out at the beach.
These of Rachel jumping in the water make me laugh each time I see them... She looks like a frog in the first one.
We walked out on the pier Saturday night after playing Putt-Putt. 
I said we didn't see any big sharks, but we did see three guys catch baby sharks off the pier while they were fishing.  Jackson touched them each time - here he is touching one of the baby sharks...
Look at that long, crazy hair!
Being buried in the sand - made to look like a shark.
Playing Frisbee on the beach.
Jackson kept trying to stand on the boogie board - he did pretty good at it.
Dinner on the water.
Overall, we had a really good time.  We came home Monday and then Tuesday we went to Six Flags Over Georgia for the first time.  They loved that!  And it was a great day to go because we hardly had to wait in any lines so we were able to walk right up to most things.  I didn't get too many pictures though.
Jackson wanted to see Bugs Bunny all day, but we never did.
On the train.
The first little roller coaster we all rode together.  Jackson was mad because he wanted to sit in the back at the last minute.
And Rachel rode her first big coaster - the Great American Scream Machine... She didn't love it and didn't hate it - but she rode it! 
Someone turns 5 next week and soon school will be starting.  Our summer is wrapping up...