Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Aug - Nov 2022

Well, it's almost Christmas and I haven't posted anything since the end of July...oops!!  That means this will probably be picture-overload.

The kids went back to school in August - 10th and 7th grades.  And this is my 4th year at Wheeler.

Of course marching band takes up most of this semester.  Between practices, games, competitions and more practices, it's a full-time commitment for sure.  Overall, it was a good season.  She really enjoyed being on the drumline this year.  

Jackson went on a canoe trip with scouts and spent several weekends at the lake with Dax and his family. 

Of course I have to have a Lucy section... 

Most of my photos over the past two months have been of my foot.  On Saturday, Oct. 1st, I was helping Michael move something in the garage and a huge/heavy (close to 100lbs) piece of wood fell on my right foot.  Within ten minutes it was huge swollen and bruised so we went to the ER.  Crazy enough, there was only one small break, in my big toe, and we were out of there in two hours.  Little did we know how long it would actually take to heal.  Turns out, I had a LOT of soft tissue damage and it  has changed week to week from swelling to bruising to blistering and eventually an open wound.  That's where I am now, two months later.  The wound is getting a lot smaller and it looks good, according to the doctor - it's just painfully slow.  Rachel doesn't want me to post the pictures here though so they won't end up in their books.  

Michael participated in a small craft show that our neighborhood held one cold afternoon recently.  

Our nephew/cousin, Samuel, got married a couple of weeks ago so we went up for the wedding.  It was a great time seeing everyone and the wedding / reception was great.  Congrats to Sam and Nicole!

One day last week, during our Thanksgiving break, we went to Six Flags.  It was a great day to go as there was hardly anyone there and the kids got to ride almost everything multiple times because the lines were so short.  Fun!

And this past weekend, Michael was recognized at a gala for Midtown High School and received the Award for Commitment to Excellence for his work with Mock Trial over the years.  So, that was really nice.  

We enjoyed seeing Jeffrey, Constance, Chloe, Mathieu and Juliette this last weekend over Thanksgiving.  We don't get to see them very often.  Here are a few pictures that others got over the few days.  

The Christmas season is upon us.  We've already decorated but I don't have any pictures yet.  Three/four more weeks of school before the break and lots to do in the meantime!