Monday, August 5, 2013

She's Now a First Grader

Today was the first day of school.  Rachel started first grade and Jackson started his new three-year old class.  Rachel was a little nervous but overall very excited.  Of course she's been ready to go back to school since mid-June.  

Last Thursday we went to Rachel's Meet & Greet to find out what class she would be in.

Her new teacher, Mrs. Mullins.

And here are the morning pictures - we were ready early today...let's see how long that lasts!  

Rachel just loves her new lunchbox because it has her initials on it.  
Can you tell what her favorite colors are???

We asked Jackson to smile with Rachel and this is what we got:

She thought it was pretty funny though.

They were looking at the pretty pink clouds we had overhead this morning.

First bus ride of the new year...

Rachel said she had a very good day.  Her favorite part was a funny story the teacher read to them today.  Jackson also did very well - he enjoyed playing with his friends and did good in his new class.  He'll be in this class for this whole school year.  They are both growing so fast!!