Friday, June 24, 2011

Father's Day

We had dinner with Michael's family at the Fish Market for Father's Day. Rachel was all smiles...Jackson on the other hand was not.

Happy Father's Day!

TP & Hail Storm

So Michael found Jackson in the bathroom the other day...guess what he was doing? Look familiar?

This was Rachel a few years ago when we found her doing the same thing!

We had a pop up storm last weekend that including hail. Afterwards Rachel got her raincoat out and played in the puddles.

Jackson getting in on the action.

Hail covering our yard by the tree.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Zoo

We took Rachel to the zoo this morning for the first time. We were there when it opened and so glad that we were - it was hot!!

Daddy and Rachel being meer cats.

Daddy sitting on the baby giraffe.

Rachel showing us how flamingos stand on one leg:

Daddy & Rachel looking at the big gorilla sitting up in the top left corner.

She's got him in a headlock!

Waiting for the train to start.

Momma gorilla with her was cute.

We had a good time...maybe we'll go back in a few years when Jackson is old enough to enjoy it and go with us!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Meet Curls

Jackson's hair has been getting curlier and curlier when I got home there were curls all over it - not just on the top. It's so cute! He gets comments everywhere he goes about how cute he his and his hair...He's already a lady's man!

He started eating Cheerios this are a few pics of that first experience.

He's had a rough last week or so. He's teething again - two of his molars have broken through and another is on the way soon. And on top of that (as if that wasn't enough!) he's got double ear infections. So he has not been a happy camper this week. And it was the kids first week home with Michael so lots of changes around here right now!