Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jackson's First Pool Experience

So we went to the pool this past weekend for the first time with Jackson. It was a little too cold for him to begin with and he did not care for it at all! We held him for a while and he eventually got used to it and by the end he was splashing on his own.
This is cold!!!

Rachel loved it of course!

Birthday Part 2

We celebrated Rachel's birthday with the family this past weekend. Michael's family went in and got both kids a big swing set/play set for their birthdays this year. This was a total surprise to Rachel. Michael, Dawson, Jeffrey and Barbara spent all day Saturday putting this thing together and they did a great job. And Rachel absolutely loves it!! Jackson likes it as well when we're out there - he's just not old enough to ask to go out there all the time yet!
Here they are mid-day.
Rachel coming down the hill to see it for the first time...
All grins!

Jackson loved swinging in his swing as well!

The birthday girl...I still can't believe she is 4!

More time outside...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rachel's 4th Birthday

Yesterday was my baby girl's 4th birthday...where is the time going? She had a great one. Sunday she had her first friend birthday party at the playground. Everyone seemed to have a great time, I was happy that it didn't rain - even though it was windy and chilly. The kids didn't seem to notice though.

Jackson didn't seem to care for it though. There was too much going on and he wouldn't eat at all so I don't think that helped him to feel his best. He was okay to begin with in his jumpy, but soon wanted to be held the whole time...
Eating cupcakes and ice cream sandwiches.

We let Rachel pick where she wanted to have dinner last night - she chose the Marietta Fish Market b/c we all love that place and she knew they would sing happy birthday to her. Well, they did and she got so shy! She wouldn't even blow out the candle... Oh well, she enjoyed it anyways.

I love this picture!
When we got home, she finally got on her new big girl bike out in the drive way... She likes it!
And her new umbrella - which she loves as well.
Little does she know that there is more to come this weekend... stay tuned!

Monday, May 16, 2011

School Performance

Saturday was Rachel's school performance. Similar to last year's, they sang several songs and then had an international fashion show - Rachel was from Equador this year. She looked just as cute as she did last year - if not more so! Rachel knew all of her songs and dance moves and seems born to perform! :)
Trying to find us after they walked in.

Afterwards in their costumes.

"I really don't want to be sitting here with my baby brother right now..." Jackson enjoyed watching the show!

Hymn Sing at Church

(Editor's Note - I don't know what's going on with Blogger right now but it won't let me type above my first picture...)
Last Wednesday night was Rachel's last night of Children's Choir/Mission Friends at church for the year. They sang their hymn, "Trust and Obey" in the sanctuary in front of everyone. They did a pretty good job. Rachel was sitting on the front row with her class beforehand and Michael was up in the balcony with the camera. When she spotted him, she was trying to show all of her friends.
Jackson was sitting with me in the bottom section and he spotted daddy as well!

Getting ready to sing.

Look Who's Standing / Mother's Day

Look who can pull himself up now! He loves to grab onto whatever he can and pull himself up and stand there.
Sitting outside on a pretty Saturday morning.

What a sleepy baby...
Mother's Day morning turned out a little crazy at our house. Jackson had had a cold for the week and he woke up not feeling very good. Michael woke up with a sinus infection and needed to go to the doctor. Rachel and I were fine, and as you can see, we were dressed and ready to leave for church. Jackson didn't quite agree with our plan. At the last minute, we changed our plans and stayed in for the day. These were the only pictures I got with my babies on Mother's Day.