Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pajamas, Smiles, Family and 3 Months Old!

I meant to post these last week and time has gotten away from me - as usual. Here are some random pictures as well as Jackson's three month shots.

Jackson smiles more and more these days. It's so fun to see him light up when you start talking to him. He loves the attention.

Who let the crazy girl out??

First time in the Bumbo seat!

First visit with Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Cathy.

Just hanging out in the bushes...

They looked like they needed a little watering...

Princess and the Cow

Happy Halloween! Rachel really enjoyed her Halloween this year. She did a Trunk or Treat last weekend, got to dress up for school on Friday, and went trick-or-treating tonight. I think she has enough suckers to last her a year! Rachel was a princess and Jackson was a cow - the same cow that Rachel was as a baby. He's three months and Rachel was five months old when she wore it (the last picture below is of Rachel when she wore it - so you can compare!).

About to go trick-or-treating.

In the wagon, ready for daddy to take her down to the big road.
By this point (only been to the four houses by us), Jackson was tuckered out. He fell asleep on me for the next 30 minutes. Michael took Rachel to the rest of the houses and Jackson and I gave out the candy at home.

Asleep on mommy...

Rachel at 5 months as the cow...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch this morning - boy was that fun. NOT! Rachel was tired and was a pill the whole time making the experience less than enjoyable. You can see we didn't get very many pictures of her actually happy.

A rare happy moment - showing off the two little ones she picked out for her and Jackson.

Maybe next year's will be better!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Two Months Old

I wanted to do his two month photo session outside, but it turned out to be a rainy we improvised and did it all inside - with a crying baby and a three year old that didn't want to cooperate.
At his two month check up last week, he now weighs 13.5 pounds. He is starting to sleep through the night as well which is so nice!

At the Fair

We went to the fair last weekend - on the hottest day of the fair! It was our first time going and we all enjoyed it. Rachel got to experience some rides, funnel cake, cotton candy, and smelly animals... She wanted to ride most of the kid rides and would be very excited about them until they started...then she'd hold on as tight as she could grip and yell for the ride to stop. But when it was over we'd ask her if she enjoyed it and she said yes to each... Go figure.

Going down the big slide with mommy.

The Tilt-a-Whirl - notice Rachel's face...

A quick glance at Jackson in the shade of the stroller...

A fun time was had by all!

First Day of Baby School

Jackson now goes to day care (or baby school, as we call it)...He's been in for a week now and seems to be doing pretty good. Luckily (well, kind of), I started back to work the week before so I had a week of transition before taking him to school every day. We are starting to get back in the swing of a full-time schedule.

We took a couple of pictures on his first morning. Thankfully he didn't cry and neither did I!