Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little Updates and a Busted Lip

Okay, where do I start. Rachel is loving Pre-K. She can say the Pledge of Allegiance, knows where several states are on the US map, has been on three field trips already and is writing her letters so much better now! For the past two weeks they've been talking about cowboys and last Friday they could dress up like one. So, here she is as a cowgirl.

And if Rachel is up on the fire place, Jackson wants to be too - so he just climbs right up.

I had a nice birthday earlier this week. We went to dinner Sunday night to avoid the chaos of rushing around after work on Monday.

Jackson is continuing to walk around all the time...he is still not very smooth though - walks very stiff and with his arms in the air... And still falls and still crawls some.

I have no idea what happened in this picture but I thought it was pretty crazy and wanted to share.

And to wrap it up, Jackson got in a fight with the floor yesterday at school and lost... He was kneeling on a chair and another kid ran into him and knocked him he landed face first on the floor. He had a bloody lip, nose and big knot on his forehead... It broke my heart when I saw him for the first time... He bounced back pretty quickly though... The first picture here is about 3-4 hours after it happened, after his bath.

And this was this morning. Doing much better!

And of course that can't be enough for one week... I get a call at 9:00 this morning from his school saying he has a bad upset stomach and has to go home... So he and I have been hanging at home today. So far he's doing alright - I'm praying it stays this way and doesn't get worse - as I know it can!!

We hope to go to the fair this weekend so I should have more pictures soon...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

We've Got a Climber!

We really enjoyed our Labor Day weekend. We were gone the weekend before so it was nice to be home and able to relax and hang out with the kids - and we had an extra day to do so!

Jackson is now walking a lot! He does it on his own - not just when prompted. I don't have any still pictures of it yet, but he's doing it so much more than he was...He keeps his hands up and just toddles around. So cute!

We discovered another new interest last weekend...climbing. He is all of a sudden climbing on everything now - the step stool, his little slide, the fire place, etc. He gets up and then has a hard time getting back down...

It rained most of that Monday - due to the tropical storm (side note: the tornadoes went about 2-3 miles from our house - Praise The Lord - He kept us safe again.). Rachel went out and played on the deck with her umbrella and rain boots...


I meant to post this a couple of weeks are a few brief funny conversations that we've had with Rachel lately.

Rachel: What are we having for dinner tonight?

Me: I think daddy is fixing a frozen pizza for us.

Rachel: I don’t like that…I like warm pizza.

Rachel: Daddy, I love your smell…

Michael: Really?

Rachel: You smell like raspberries…

(We both got a good laugh out of that one…)

The other night, I was putting Rachel to bed. She remembered she wanted one of her babies to go to bed with her and Pooh was already in her bed.

Rachel: I have to go down and get somebody.

Me: Who?

Rachel: He’s in my bed.

Me: I know, but who?

Rachel: (Obviously getting frustrated for having to repeat herself) HE’S ALREADY IN MY BED!!!