Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Jackson's Birthday & Baptism

Jackson turned 7 this week!  We had a birthday dinner with family over the weekend.

And on his birthday the four of us went to Stars and Strikes to play...he loves this place. 

Opening a few presents at home... 

He got a pair of roller blades and loves them!

And we went to Mexican for dinner - he knew they would sing to him.  Unfortunately, he wasn't able to enjoy his meal though because his throat hurt and he was coughing so much... Turns out, he has strep throat again - although you'd never know it from these pictures! This is the 2nd time this summer he's had it. 

Also, this past weekend, Jackson was baptized at church.  He made the decision to ask Jesus into his heart during the week of VBS.  We are very proud of him.  He couldn't wait to be baptized.

With Grandmama & Granddaddy afterwards waiting on our lunch place to open.

And with Grandpa and Debbie.

He looked so old sitting there...

We are in the last week of July now - their last week at home.  School starts next Tuesday and then the crazy-busy schedules start... Although summer was pretty busy as well this time - but still doesn't compare to school and sports schedules.  

Summer Part 2

A lot has  happened throughout the month of July!!

We celebrated the 4th of July...

These were at the church celebration at the new amphitheater in town.

At the parade on the 4th.

A train even went through while we were waiting.  

Ready for fireworks. 

We celebrated Michael's birthday by going to see Despicable Me 3 and out to dinner. 

The kids both went to camp for a week.  Rachel's was the same overnight church camp that she went to last year and Jackson's was a day camp - so he was at home each night.  They both had a really good time.

This was the morning of the first day dropping Jackson off...he was a little nervous, but did great.

And dropping Rachel off.  Her best friend, Haley, went this year as well, so they had a good time together.

And these pictures were sent to me by her counselors throughout the week.

And most of you know that I had to have emergency surgery just over a week ago... I had to have my appendix removed.  Here's a picture we took from the Emergency Room the night we went... 

 I'll share the last two events in the next post.  

Monday, July 3, 2017

First Half of Summer

Summer is halfway over already for us... It's been a busy month.  Here are a bunch of random pictures of things we've done over the past month or so.

Michael and I celebrated out 16th anniversary and got to enjoy a delicious dinner (sans kids) at Henry's Louisiana Grill.  

A new dress...

Looking older...

Jackson participated in the watermelon eating contest again at the Memorial Day party.   He loves him some watermelon. 

We've had more fun at the pool.

We've gone to White Water a few times...

Michael and I went to the Fox Theater one night to see Mama Mia...the movie was better but we had fun.

Michael and Rachel went to their first Atlanta United game a week or so ago.  That's Atlanta's professional soccer team.  They loved it!!  

Jackson and I went to dinner, to see Captain Underpants and had ice cream while they were at the game. 

Michael got a smoker for Father's Day and his birthday, even though his birthday is this coming week.  He made ribs for the first time and they were very good!

And last week we went to Six Flags for the afternoon before the rain hit.  Actually, the rain hit while we were there and we got drenched, but it was a lot of fun before that!  

Jackson was finally tall enough (just barely) to ride his first big person roller coaster.  He didn't hesitate one bit!  He loved it too!

They are on the swings above me (right behind the light pole)...

So, lots of fun has been had so far.  This week is the fourth of July, and Michael's birthday.  Next week both kids go to camp (Rachel will be gone from Monday - Friday and Jackson's is a day camp, 8-5, each day.)  Then Jackson's birthday and then they will be going back to school at the beginning of August!