Tuesday, August 24, 2010

One Month Old

He's one month old today. We celebrated by getting a bath and having a photo shoot. *smile*

This first one is Rachel when she was one month old. We have a few pictures from the hospital from both of them where they look alike...however, these at one month do not.

Jackson at one month today.

More Pictures

Read this shirt...too cute!!!

Where's Waldo? (I mean Jackson!)

Snuggling with Rachel's Pooh Bear.

Hanging with Grandpa.

Right before mommy and daddy went out to dinner by themselves for the first time since Jackson was born.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Almost Four Weeks Old...

I can't believe Jackson is almost four weeks old now. It seems like just yesterday we were heading to the hospital in a frenzy! He is awake a little more during the day now and seems to want to be held more than he did before. He is still doing good though - a good sleeper, good eater and overall a pleasant baby.

Rachel loves her little brother and is a great helper. We've had some issues with her lately though - not listening, throwing fits, etc... We assume this is all due to her not being the only child now. Hopefully this stage will pass soon. She is doing great in school and hopefully the changes in her life have stopped for a while and regularity will resume.

Here are some more pictures.

He likes to keep his arms up.

Sleeping in my arms.

Nap time for daddy and Jackson.

Rachel feeding Jackson by herself.

Playtime with daddy.

At least she had a cute smile here...I love this type of picture.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

More Pictures

We've been home for over a week now. School has started back, our company has left and things are starting to settle down. So far, Jackson is a very good baby. He sleeps great and seems pretty content to go with the flow most of the time. I pray he stays that way!

Here are a few pictures taken over the last week or so.

My babies first thing in the morning.

Rachel loves to hold Jackson when she can.

He always has his arms up in some way...

Nana and her grandbabies.

Our family of four!