Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jackson's Nursery

Jackson's room has been finished for a couple of weeks now. As many of you know, Michael wanted to create a wall unit/book case for Jackson, similar to the one he built for Rachel's room. Unfortunately he didn't decide to go ahead and do it until about a month before Jackson was born - and then he arrived 3 weeks early! So, it wasn't finished before he was born, but that's okay. Michael worked extremely hard on it and I think it looks great. I don't have a lot to put on it yet, but I know that will change.

Also, Granddaddy (Dawson) worked extremely hard on building another dresser for Jackson, as he did for Rachel when she was born. Turns out, this one that he just built went in Rachel's room as well, and we moved the brown one into Jackson's room so that it would match his crib, and the new white one matches the white bed in Rachel's room. Pictures of both are below. Dawson, you did a fantastic job and we really appreciate them both!!

The wall unit Michael built.

The original dresser Dawson built for Rachel that is now in Jackson's room.

The new white dresser that Dawson built that is now in Rachel's room.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Building a Butterfly House

Grandmama and Granddaddy so graciously took Rachel last weekend. Saturday, Rachel and Granddaddy worked on a special project together - making a butterfly house. They did a great job and Rachel is so very proud of it. She and Michael hung it up in our backyard this morning. The pictures below show the progression of it all. I also took a video of her hanging it this morning. The video can be seen at

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Few New Pictures

At Jackson's one month check up last week, he was up to 10 pounds, 8 ounces. He is doing really well. We even had one night where he slept for six hours straight - I'm ready for that to happen again!

Rachel holding Jackson by herself.

Holding his head up.

Grandmama and Granddaddy with Rachel and Jackson to celebrate their birthdays.

I feel like I have to take a picture of him wearing outfits for the first time... =)