Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Fun

Happy Easter everyone! We have enjoyed our last weekend of spring break, which ended with Easter Sunday.

Yesterday we colored Easter eggs - Jackson watched mainly, but at least he was smiling!

And relaxing with his feet on the table...

Last night we had family over for dinner and an Easter egg hunt...this is just the start of the not-so-great-pictures of Jackson...

"I know I had some eggs, where did they all go??"

And Easter morning, looking at what the Easter bunny brought. (Side note: At least we didn't have to deal with her seeing the Easter bunny this year at school...she always freaks about that...)

And we decided to wait until we got home from church today to take their Easter we wouldn't be as rushed and the grass would be drier. Rachel was okay for a while, but once again, Jackson would not look at the camera or smile...

"Mom, the sun is in my eyes..."

"Mom, I'm really tired of taking pictures..."

"Last one, I promise!"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kindergarten Registration and Spring Break Fun!

The time has baby is old enough to register for kindergarten! We went last week and registered her at her new school that she will start in August. How crazy is that?!? We go back in a few weeks for a tour of the school and again a week later for her assessment, but so far she is very excited!

Rachel's friend that lives across the street from us (who happens to share birthdays with Rachel) was there at the same time so we got a picture of the two of them together. We hope that they grow up to be close friends...

This is spring break week for Michael and the kids and I took yesterday and today off to spend with them. We went and had spring pictures taken of the kids yesterday, got up and went to the courthouse early this morning to get their passports processed (we were done by 8:30!) and then we went downtown and played at Centennial Olympic Park for a while. They had a good time but the fountains were Rachel's favorite. We thought Jackson would like them more than he did, but he was over it pretty quickly and just wanted to walk around.

Here she looks like she's too cool... *laugh*

This was a big monument/statue-like-thing with Olympic athletes in it - so Rachel looks like she's running along with them...

Playing on the big fields...

And finally playing in the fountains!