Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Little of This...A Little of That...

Sorry for not posting in so long... I haven't taken very many pictures since Christmas.  Here are a few random ones from the past few weeks with little updates.

Many of you know that Rachel was the Reader of the Month for her class for January.  Below is her picture/poster on the wall by the library along with Rachel standing beside it when it was finally put up.

Barbara and Dawson took Rachel and Jackson out to ride bikes one afternoon and then to Five Guys for dinner.  

He's learning to pedal now!

We started potty training Jackson on December 28th.  He's done really well with the whole process - considering... We started him 4 months earlier than we started with Rachel.  About a week after we started, he got moved up to a new class at school and was one of the only ones doing - and he was the youngest!  We've definitely had our rough days, but we've had many good days as well.  

This must have been one of the first few days of the process - where we let him run around pant/diaperless at home...

Here is a picture of Rachel's class with The Cat in the Hat!

And Valentine's Day.  Jackson was not feeling the pictures that morning - he wanted nothing to do with the camera.  This is a little boys tie that our neighbor gave him - I didn't even realize Michael tried it on him that morning. 

Take it off!

Rachel's basketball season is finally over.  She enjoyed some days and didn't enjoy some days... She was ready for it to be over though.  She did get a trophy last weekend though - she was very excited about that.  

Grandpa was here with us that weekend and we tried going to the playground afterwards but it was closed, so we went to the park and it was so cold and still had frost all over it... So we watched the ducks for a few minutes before leaving there and heading to Catch Air... They had a blast there!

And Jackson got his first experience with shaving that weekend... He was hanging out with Grandpa while he was getting ready - this is what we got from that morning.  So cute.  

 Hopefully it won't be another two months before I post again!