Friday, May 30, 2014

Odds and Ends

These last couple of weeks have been very busy for us.  May is always a busy month for our family.  But we made it through.  Here are a few miscellaneous pictures we've taken over the last couple of weeks.
Rachel bought a new baby doll with some birthday money she got... So now she has two babies!
Pool time over the weekend.
Who doesn't want to smile?
Rachel's First Grade Awards Day was this week.  Rachel did awesome and got so many awards - including the Citizenship Award for her class and the Art Award!  Very proud of her!!
Michael and I had a dinner to attend for his work the other night.  Barbara came out and stayed with the kids for us.  She got this great picture of them at the park that evening.  I wish they always got along that well!
Yesterday was Rachel's last day of school.  Here she is about to get on the bus the last time as a first grader. 
And a couple from last night's swim meet... I didn't take any of her swimming this time though.  It was a rough night - maybe next time. 
And here's another one from Jackson's class...with his best buddy.
Next week should be fun.  The kids and I are tagging along on a work trip with Michael to the beach!  Yay!  So keep your fingers crossed that I can get some good pictures - we don't have the opportunity to take pictures at the beach very often.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rachel Turns Seven

Friday was Rachel's 7th birthday!  It started off a little rocky because she went to bed not feeling good and woke up as we were about to go to bed and ended up being sick... but it was a one time thing - thankfully!  She was fine after that but we still didn't get a lot of sleep that night.  

Michael and I had lunch with her on Friday and then we went out to dinner that evening.  She had one of her friends spend the night with her last night - this was her first sleepover at our house.  We had pizza and got some frozen yogurt and watched "Frozen"... Rachel is all about that movie right now.  She got the movie and the soundtrack for her birthday and that is all we've heard from all over the house all weekend long.  

This was from the night before her birthday - her last night as a six year old.  

Waking up to balloons in her room the next morning.

With her new Elsa shirt from Frozen.

We tried to take a family-selfie that evening... someone didn't want to cooperate very much.

Rachel's friend from across the street has the same birthday as Rachel and her party was yesterday at a ceramic-painting place.  This is Rachel and Bella together.  

And today we had lunch with the family at Olive Garden.  

So cute!

Rachel got this cute dress for her birthday and who wants to try it on??

Thanks to all who helped make her birthday weekend special!  

Now on to the end of school (only 8 days left), swim team (which has already started) and summer!

Jackson's First School Program

This is the first year that Jackson's class has had an end-of-year program at school.  He is in the classroom with the same teacher that Rachel had at 2 and at 3 years old.  So the program will be very similar to some of you that saw hers a few years ago.  

They came dressed up as rock stars for the first part.  To begin with, he didn't want to wear his jacket or bandana...but once the program started, he left it on and did great!

During the program, the teachers dress them up for an international fashion show - Jackson was dressed like he was from Russia.

The little boy beside him here is Logan, his best friend. 

Here are a few other pictures that his teachers have sent me over the last couple of weeks from his class.

He went on his first field trip this past Friday...they all got on the bus and went over to the other building for a program practice.   He enjoyed it!

 Practicing writing his letters...