Thursday, April 23, 2015

April Days

This month has included some time with family outside...
These two were taken in the exact same spot four years apart.  Still a cutie!
Their first time riding MARTA - they loved it. 
It also included our first broken bone - which didn't happen to the child I thought it would happen to first.  Rachel and Michael were out riding bikes on a path in the woods.  They decided to try the next level and it included a 2.5 foot platform to ride over.  Rachel made it up and half-way across before riding off the edge.  She went straight down and I thought her face was going to be more messed up but evidently her wrist took the brunt of the force.  It was a pretty bad fall.  We went to urgent care that evening and turns out she broke her wrist.  They put a splint on it for a few days and then the orthopedist put the cast on towards the end of the week. 
She even got to pick two colors for the cast!  The good thing is that it wasn't too bad and she's able to get it off in three weeks - which is much better than we expected.  She's handling it all really well but she is already ready for it to be off.  She's ready to get back to normal.
Also, this week the 2nd grade went to the aquarium on a field trip.  Michael was able to go with them as well. 
Next week we register Jackson for kindergarten and soon it will be someone's birthday!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Last Saturday, we had a couple of Easter egg hunts.  The first was at some friends house in the neighborhood - they've done this egg hunt for about ten years now and it grows each year.  I think there were around 50 kids there this time and close to 600 eggs (I know, I helped stuff them!).  Here's some of the group before they started.

I didn't get a picture of Rachel by herself that day, but here's one of Jackson with his eggs.  It was cold that morning so everyone was bundled up.

Yesterday we dyed Easter eggs and the pack came with stickers to put on them.  They liked that part and I think made them cuter.  

This morning we got up and went to church.  We took pictures when we got back so that it wasn't too cold outside and we didn't have to hurry as much. 

Being silly...

We forgot to get some of Jackson by himself while we were out there together so he and I ran back outside after he already had his shoes off.  I think he looks so grown up here.

Hope you all had a happy Easter!  And happy spring!  Hopefully with more warm weather coming our way (I'd prefer spring temps -  not summer ones already) we'll all start staying healthy soon.  This winter has been rough in that regards for us.  We're heading into our very busy season (usually just May) but I feel like it's starting early this time.  Rachel just finished spring break and now has seven weeks of school left.  At the end of this month we register Jackson for kindergarten. We've already got Rachel signed up for swim team and that starts at the beginning of May... Her birthday will be here before we know it and then the end of school and summer.  One day at a time...