Thursday, June 2, 2022

April and May

These past two months have been busy for us all. May is always an extremely busy month for our family.

We were gifted tickets to go see the Harlem Globetrotters in Atlanta.  The kids had never even heard of them before!  The show was cute - but we really enjoyed the free food and up-close, free parking!

Michael got to meet Hairy Dog at a work event and quickly face-timed Jackson so he could get a wave in!

Easter Sunday - 

I also won tickets for the four of us to go to a Brave's game one night.  That was a lot of fun.

They were watching the Bally Sports broadcast live and trying to get on TV. 

Both kids had their spring band concerts and both lasted forever.  Ha. No, but really, they did.  

Jackson's was outside in the parking lot on a warm evening.  

Rachel finally got her letter jacket and letter for band.  Now she's ready for the weather to be cooler so she can wear it!

She turned 15 a couple of weeks ago as well... I was able to take her and Jackson to a local coffeehouse to get coffee before school.

Michael is becoming one of the leaders in Jackson's scout troop.  Now he has his own uniform as well. 

Speaking of Michael...Big News!  He is leaving his job with Mock Trial to do woodworking full-time on his own.  This is a new and exciting adventure for us!  You can check out his website at

Here are the final pictures of the 8 ft. round table he was working on for a while.  The whole thing was over 600 pounds.

And the last day of school for the year was last Friday.  Rachel had an easier last week as she only had to go in for Monday morning and Thursday morning for the last couple of finals.  Here they are on their last days.

And he got to have some fun on the last afternoon with some neighbor friends - water gun fights after the bus let out, neighborhood foam party for the kids and was able to go to the pool for the afternoon.

And this picture is random, but he will never smile for me in a picture, so when a friend got this picture of him at school, I had to share.  

So now school is out, swim team has started, camps have started, etc.  Michael is on his last work trip for a while and today is my last day at school for the year.  Happy Summer.