Saturday, June 16, 2012

More Pool Fun

We had our 2nd annual pool day with Aunt Constance and Uncle Jeffrey last weekend... It was a little different this year because Jackson isn't all that crazy about being in the water... And he is all over the place (in whatever he does) so it's not like we just hang in the pool and let him run around. 

These top three pictures where we are all dry were taken at the end of the day. 

Enjoying some grapes before swimming.

Like I said, he'd rather play with the toys than be in the water.

Just chillin'...

Looking over the edge with daddy... He actually tried to climb over it.

It took her a little bit to get used to swimming again, but once she did, she was a fish in the water.

Grandmama & Granddaddy came and joined us at the end and for dinner!

New Camera Fun

We recently got a new camera b/c the old one was just so frustrating sometimes.. So, what do you do with a new camera?  Go have a photoshoot, of course!  I'm sure there will be many more...

Here are a few of Jackson's many faces.

I drew this.  (Ha!  I wish...) 

We set out a few weeks ago and went to a nearby park (not playground-park, just-walk-around-and-look at-flowers-park)... The kids enjoyed it though.

He loves to smell flowers and candles. (Imagine taking him into Bath & Body Works with all of the candles!  He knows what to do when we go there.)

These next pictures of the kids with the giant lollipops didn't turn out as cute as I had hoped...Not really sure exactly what I was going for, but still.  Neither of them has ever had one like this before (actually, I don't think Jackson has ever even had a regular sucker before..) so they were trying to figure out how to eat it.  

Hey, I think I'll put it in the grass...

Mom, I think there is some grass in my mouth...

Notice how sticky the side of his face is?!?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pre-K Graduation

Today was Rachel's last day at Pre-K and her last day at Kids R Kids...tonight was her graduation ceremony.  I admit it - I cried.  I couldn't help myself... She is growing up right before my very eyes. 

Our graduate!

Rachel and Erin beforehand.  Erin is one of her friends that has been there the whole five years with her.  I wish we had gotten more pictures of her group of friends...sadly, we did not.

Walking "Pomp and Circumstance" of course.

She was on the side that was still in the sunlight for a while... so she had to block the sun... Thankfully it went down soon. (And it was so nice out there - we couldn't have asked for a better evening!)

Big smiles!

Rachel and her three teachers.  

Now, another thing I am thankful for is that the director found a couple of teachers to stay for the ceremony and keep a few of the younger siblings for us - out on the other playground.  Thank goodness because there is no way that Jackson would have sat still for an hour and been quiet.  So he had fun while we did our thing.  After it was over, we went and grabbed him and let him play on the big playground with everyone else.  This other little boy is in Jackson's class at school (his brother was graduating with Rachel) and they got on this truck at the end and had such a good time.  They were so cute!!

Now we have two months of summer and then we move on to Kindergarten!!!