Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Little Man is Two!

Today is Jackson's 2nd birthday!  We didn't do a big party this time but had a little celebration over the weekend for him. 

Of course he didn't want to have his picture taken so we got very few smiles - again. 

Giving Granddaddy some love...

Rachel loved the hat Grandmama gave her...

It was raining so we didn't get to stay outside long - so hot and steamy and wet!

Did I mention wet?  Jackson liked jumping in the puddles though...

I should have known he would sit down in the water and would have to have his clothes changed...

I didn't do a big cake (or party) this year - so we went with mini-cupcakes instead... He doesn't know the difference though!  

He actually blew out his candle!

Then wondered where the flame went!

He loves his new big trucks!

And his new tricycle!

Climbing in it already...

Today, Michael took the kids to the mall and let them ride the train and the carousel at the mall.  This picture is a little dark, sorry... 

Then this afternoon, Michael put together this one last gift for Jackson and the kids got to play with it after naps.  A mini-trampoline!  They both really like this one!

Tonight we had dinner at home and then went to our favorite frozen yogurt place by us for a treat!  

Happy birthday, sweet boy!  You have changed so much in the past two years...all of our lives have changed so much in the past two years!  You have gone from a precious little baby boy to a big, rambunctious, wild & crazy little boy!  But we love you so much! 


  1. He is adorable and that trampoline looks like so much fun!

  2. happy birthday! what a great way to celebrate turning 2!
