Friday, June 27, 2014

Father's Day, etc.

I'm trying to catch up on my's been a busy summer for us so far this year-  we knew it would be. 

Here are a few pictures we got on Father's Day.

Some of you know we've been having trouble getting Jackson to go to sleep at night, or stay in his room when he goes to bed, or for a while he was waking up before 6:00 each morning...We finally decided to cut back on his daily naps. It's taken a while but it has helped. If he does get a nap, we don't let him sleep longer than an hour, sometimes he doesn't get a nap at all.  Some days when he doesn't get a nap, he gets so tired and falls asleep on his own around 5 our so in the afternoons...

 This particular Sunday afternoon, we had gone to the playground and the pool...he was wiped out and fell asleep on me. I can't remember the last time I've had a kid fall asleep on my sweet.

At the playground...

 He found his Cookie Monster outfit from Halloween and decided he wanted to wear it for a while...

 We participated in the neighborhood garage sale last week.  Rachel really wanted to help.  She sat outside with Michael and helped the whole time.  She decided to get out her bracelet set and make bracelets for people to buy.  She made a sign with the price (50 cents each) and for water. She asked each person that came up if they'd like a bracelet or a bottle of water. She did really well and even made a few dollars!

 Jackson's school now has a splash park at it and they had a little party last weekend. The kids had a good time.

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