Monday, March 9, 2015

Surgery and Afterwards

As you know, Jackson had surgery on Thursday to have tubes put in his ears and his adenoids removed.  Hopefully this will help the fluid drain from his ears and improve his hearing.  The surgery went really well.  He came out of it fine and started eating and drinking right away and never looked back.  We go back in about a month for a follow-up and will have his hearing retested at that time.  

Here's Jackson waiting for surgery time.  He enjoyed the facility - they had lots of toys for little kids to play with. He was shooting the basketball all morning.

He had a sore throat for a couple of days but other than that he was fine.  We were home on Friday and decided to surprise Rachel and went and had lunch with her.  They were both pretty excited - this was Jackson's first time seeing what real school is like and where he'll be eating lunch next year, etc.  

Rachel is the Star Reader for 2nd grade this month so we snapped a picture of her poster up front before we left.  

I had Jackson have some quiet time in his room Friday afternoon - he didn't want to but this is how I found him when I came in... Asleep on the floor, on top of his animals, Minion backpack on his back, blocks all around and light on.  Cute.  

Can someone please tell me where I can find a bubble to keep Jackson in?  I need one for him.  He's gotten hurt three times this weekend alone.  Wednesday night, before the surgery, he fell in the living room and hit the corner of his forehead and shoulder on the TV cabinet... that left a big mark and bruise.  Then Friday night, he and Rachel were playing in her room and he fell and hit the corner of her bookcase... it hit his upper lip up to his nose, and then the top of his forehead - he had a cut on his lip and above it, and a deep indent and knot on his forehead...  Then Saturday he was outside playing tennis and fell, but didn't let go of the racket so his finger got smashed and scraped pretty bad... Bless his heart... He let me take a picture of his face Sunday on the way to church.

And to top it all off, today was supposed to be back to normal for us all, going back to school and work.  But Rachel woke up with a fever.  Her throat has hurt all weekend but with the fever as well, I figured she needed to be seen.  So we took Jackson to school and then her to the doctor.  She now has strep throat.  Lovely, huh?  So, say a prayer that he doesn't get it again and start his cycle with strep all over again!  Especially since we just had the other surgery! 

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