Sunday, May 17, 2015

Birthday, Birthday and More Birthday

Rachel turned eight years old yesterday, but we've been celebrating for a week now.  Michael was out of town this weekend, for her birthday, so we had a birthday party with some friends last Saturday instead.  And we did a little celebrating on Mother's Day with family as well.   (Warning - there a lot of pictures in this post!!)

She had a painting party at the place we paint at a lot.  They painted an ice cream cone.  Jackson painted a puppy dog - and he did better than I expected for his first time.  We drew it out for him but he filled it all in.  

Silly faces...

The finished masterpieces.

They all seemed to have a good time and overall, it was an easy party.

My mom and Jim came down for that weekend as well and of course the kids were so excited about that.  Rachel begged them to watch "Annie" with her so this is how they sat for a few hours - Jackson never moved. 

At dinner.  Jackson and Rachel both had to sit with Nana so the rest of us scrunched in together on the other side...while they had plenty of room...

Being photobombed by Jackson below...


Sunday was Mother's Day and for once, Michael was in town all day on Mother's Day.  He made reservations at one my favorite places for brunch.  So that was really nice.

Rachel took a few of these...she likes taking the camera and snapping pictures.  She took a picture of Granddaddy taking pictures.

Like I said, Michael was gone from Wednesday - Sunday afternoon.  Friday evening, Jackson, Rachel and I went to Waffle House for dinner.  We hadn't been there in a very long time and they seemed to enjoy it.

And this weekend Grandpa came down for a short weekend visit but it was nice to have someone else here - the kids and I were starting to get tired of each other!  Ha.  I surprised Rachel yesterday and took her to get a pedicure for the first time.  She enjoyed that.

Ready to go out for her birthday dinner.  She choose Taco Mac this time.


Also, this is out of order, but Jackson's school had Muffins for Mom last Friday morning and someone got this picture of us.  One of my favorites.

Whew.  I know that was a lot of pictures - it's been a busy week.  Michael was gone and the Georgia Mock Trial team that he took to National's made it to the championship round - they finished second, but still, that was quite an accomplishment!  

Swim team started two weeks ago and Rachel has been going to swim team practices in the evenings - she was very excited to finally start swimming this week since she now has her cast off.  That was a big deal as well!  

The end of school is almost here.  Rachel has 2 weeks and Jackson has 3 weeks left. 

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