Friday, April 13, 2018

Easter and Spring Break

Easter and spring break were a little different for us this year.  Michael and Rachel took a big trip to Washington, D.C. for the first five days and this included Easter.  So Jackson and I got up and went to church and then went to Barbara & Dawson's house in the afternoon.  

The day before Easter was the annual egg hunt at our friend's house in the neighborhood.  Jackson always enjoys that.

He was the only younger boy there...

Jackson with his Easter basket and Rachel's - he saved it for her.

 Good smiles!!

Posing after church with the bunny props. 

And finding Easter eggs at Grandmama's house.  

Rachel loved the sloth shirt she got!

Jackson went to a day camp each day during the break.  They took a field trip to some place fun each day - like skating, rock climbing, trampoline places, etc. which are right up his alley!   Here a couple of pictures from one of his outings.  

One night before dinner .

At the end of the break, we went to a Gwinnett Gladiators' hockey game.  It was Star Wars night and we had great seats - front row!  It was so much fun!!

We didn't get to take a picture with Chewbacca...

Doing the YMCA.

Darth Vadar came and stood beside us for a while and then announcer guy did a spot with him on the camera.

Here was the big screen and Jackson's little face smiling at the bottom of it.  Ha! 

Overall, it was a very fun evening. 

Now we are in the homestretch of the school year.   They have six weeks of school left - which means Rachel has 6 weeks left of elementary school.  We're starting to get information about middle school already... Crazy!

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