Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Jan/Feb Updates

It's been a while since I've shared pictures - sorry!  We've had a lot going on - as usual!

Jackson participated in his first Pinewood Derby competition with his Cub Scout group.  He and Michael worked hard on the car. 


Jackson and Big Boy...who now permanently sits in our living room.

Rachel got selected as one of the Students of the Month for January at her school!

Jackson and I attended the Mother-Son night at his school.  It was a game show theme and he really  enjoyed it this time.

Playing with the filters on my phone...being silly.

Jackson had his hair painted red the day he got it cut...

And looking cute at another scouts meeting...

Rachel decided to make cookies dipped in pink melted candies to give to all of her teachers and some friends for Valentine's Day.  She did a great job!

Jackson got glasses to wear during school and when reading... This is the first week he's worn them to school and he's still getting used to them...

He also joined the knitting club at school (they meet twice a month during the after-school program) and he knitted this coaster for me!

Lemonade (sorry, Kool-Aid) stand set up in our yard...they each made $10!

Family dinner at Joe's Crab Shack for Valentine's Day.  The kids now like crab legs as well...

Rachel and Lily being crafty...she glued crayons to the top of a canvas and melted them with a hairdryer and then let it dry. 

These are out of order, but the kids went to the zoo with Barbara and Dawson at the end of their Christmas break.  Jackson loves pandas and was so excited to see them.  However, the sloth never moved so Rachel didn't get to see it very well.

And last but not least, Rachel slipped and fell last Thursday and landed on her right hand - breaking her wrist in two places.  The splint they gave her was huge and very bulky.  Monday, she got a cast put on at the orthopedist and it's much easier to deal with... She's still been hurting though.  She has to keep it on for four weeks and no swimming in the meantime... If anyone knows of any good deals on bubblewrap, let me know... 

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