Sunday, July 11, 2021

April, May and June

 It seems so long ago now, but Michael spent about 2 months on zoom for Mock Trial earlier this year... his whole competition was online this year.  He spent countless hours on the computer running each and every trial that took place.  Here are some pictures from the finals and State Championship round.  Jackson watched the final round online as well.

Then spring break happened.  Michael and I went out with some friends to celebrate their birthdays.

We visited a fun rooftop in Atlanta one day...

Went downtown and had poke for lunch...

And spent an afternoon at LakePoint Station...  We tried to make the most of spring break this time. 

Rachel's band finally had another concert - we hadn't had one in over a year b/c of Covid.  

And Jackson fell down during recess one day and broke his wrist.  It was his first break (crazy, right?).  Unfortunately it happened right as swim team was starting so he couldn't participate for 3 weeks...

And Rachel turned 14 in May.  

School ended at the end of May. Jackson finished up 5th grade and had his walk-thru and drive-by parade.  Rachel finished her time in middle school.

The last day of school...

Rachel went to middle school camp the week after school ended.  She had a great time - even though it rained over half of the time there.

Jackson went to elementary camp the following week.  He had a great time as well.

Towards the end of his week at camp, Michael and I went to Isle of Palms, by Charleston.  Michael had to work the Annual Meeting for his office and I just went to hang.  It was our 20th anniversary after all!

My view most of the week...

This was the closest I got to the ocean...technically it was a beach trip, but it was mostly the pool for me.

And of course the fire alarm went off at 6:30 early our last morning there - causing everyone to evacuate...

Good news!  Rachel had her back appointment the day after we returned.  The doctor said that her back has maintained (not gotten any worse) over the last year and she's basically done growing, so she can stop wearing her back brace! Praise the Lord!!!  This is a huge deal as she had to wear it 18 hours a day for almost a full-year.  It was hard and painful at times but she persevered and made it through.  Just in time for high school and marching band!!

Father's Day...

And Lucy doesn't appreciate Jackson sitting in her seat...

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