Saturday, August 30, 2014

Playing Soccer

Both kids are now playing soccer through our church's Upward Soccer league.  We signed Jackson up on our own - knowing he's really good at kicking balls and this is the first time he's been old enough to play on an actual team - thought he would love it.  We gave Rachel the choice to see if she wanted to try it.  Honestly, I was more concerned about Rachel enjoying it than Jackson.  They practice once a week - both at the same time so that's nice.  And their games are on Saturdays.  So far they've practiced twice and had their first games today - which just so happened to both be at the same time today.  So, Michael and I had to split up and each watch one half of each game.  

Rachel has done really well so far.  She is enjoying it, trying hard and doing her best.  
Very proud of her so far.  

Jackson on the other depends on his mood - which changes oh so easily.  The first practice, I was over there with him and he started out fine... Then his shoe started hurting him and it all went downhill from there.  The second practice, he did much better!  Today at his game, he initially didn't want to go out, but he did and he played really well the first half.  Then that was about it for him - didn't want to be out there at all the second half.  So, we'll take it week by week and see how it goes.  Hopefully he will continue to get better - even if it's just being better at being on a team and staying out there - I'll be happy with that.  

Before the games.

Rachel's team warming up.

Devotion at half time.

Rachel was a cheerleader on the side when she wasn't playing.  She taught the other girls several cheers and made them fit her new team.  She also got the sportsmanship sticker for today.  

Rachel throwing it in.

 Jackson's team before his game started.

He's number 4.

Hot and tired boys eating their snacks afterwards.

Keep your fingers crossed that we have more of the better days than the not-so-great ones! 

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