Friday, September 26, 2014

This Past Month...

I feel like a lot has happened since my last post.  Here are more pictures I've taken on my phone along the way...
June, July, and August we were in birthday season for Jackson's class... Almost every weekend there was another birthday party.  Here's Jackson at one at Catch Air - and to his surprise, the character that came out was Olaf!  He was so excited!
Here was an evening just playing outside for a while... the kids were being silly.
Also this month, we've been dealing with strep throat.  Well, Jackson has.  He's had it three times in the past month.  He's been more sick this month than he has his whole life!  Every time he goes off the medicine, he gets it again in a few days.  He's currently on his third antibiotic now, and we're instructed to take him back five days after he gets off of this one - if we make it that long (we haven't yet!) - and they will check to see if it's completely gone or not.  The other aspect is that his tonsils are HUGE... so they may end up referring us to an ENT to see about having his tonsils removed.  I really don't want to go that route, but we'll do what we need to do.  This was during his second bout with it - he fell asleep on me while watching a movie at home.  
The neighborhood pool stayed open a little longer this year so this is Rachel on our last night there  - just over a week ago.  It was freezing through - Jackson wouldn't stay in the water.  I don't blame him, I wasn't getting in either!
We went to a different fair this year also...not the big one, but this one was closer to us and a little smaller, but perfect for our kids.  They got to ride as much as they wanted and really enjoyed themselves.
The above picture is Rachel waiting to ride this fast ride with was an older ride, but she was excited.  Below is right before it started - and before she freaked out.  It just went around in circles, but it was very fast and very jerky...and she didn't care for that. 
They both went up to the top of the fun slide and Rachel made it down, but Jackson got scared and didn't... Michael had to walk up and get him.  He usually loves this slide...
Waiting to get on the ferris wheel...
My camera has a thing where you can see both ways - I was trying to get myself in their picture...ha ha.  They are up in that orange bucket...  I don't do ferris wheels...
Another trip to the playground... They love to climb that thing!
I told the kids they needed to spend 30 minutes in their rooms last Saturday afternoon - we just all needed a little time to ourselves at that point.  Well, I go in to get Jackson and this is what I found...sound asleep on the floor. 
I took the kids to get ice cream the other night and it was beside a Ted's Montana Grill.. We saw this from far away and Jackson kept saying it was an we walked down to see it up close.  And it wasn't an elephant.  They liked seeing it though!
Rachel and I painted initial paintings last weekend. 
One of her fall break days, we went to the concert in the park at lunchtime.  She wanted to go because her friend, Bella, was going to be there.  Such sweet girls! 
These last few pictures are from last weekend when Michael was gone to Law Academy and away from home for four days.  We were all glad when he got home Sunday afternoon!

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