Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Winter Break

This past week the kids were out of school for winter break.  We tried to do something fun for them this time (as opposed to the other breaks where we usually just stay home and run errands, go to work with dad, hang out, etc.).  Their week was filled with activities!  Monday, Michael stayed with them because it was President's Day.  He took them to see the new Star Wars movie in the theater.  He has watched each of the three original movies with them at home over the past two months and they really wanted to see the new one.  Rachel really liked it, Jackson not as much.  But they are big Star Wars fans now.  Michael is pleased with that (especially since I don't care for it). 
Tuesday, Barbara & Dawson came out and stayed with them for the day.  They took them to a train museum close by - the official name is the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History.  They spent a couple of hours here and then had lunch in the cafeteria of Kennesaw State University - which they loved.  Here are a few pics from the museum.
Wednesday, Michael and the kids left on a mini-trip.  They headed over to Huntsville, AL to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center but on the way they stopped at two different caves and experienced those first.  Before they left that morning, the kids decided to play school and took out almost all of the stuffed animals they own.  This was cute.
All packed and ready to go!
They arrived an hour earlier than expected so they took a small side trip to see this first cave.  They couldn't go inside it though.
Then they headed to Cathedral Caverns State Park to tour this cave.  It was about a mile and a half from start to finish. 
A frozen waterfall...
They enjoyed seeing all of the stalagmites and stalactites.
One of the bats they saw on the roof...
Then they headed on to their hotel and enjoyed playing in the indoor pool - we didn't tell them about this part ahead of time and surprised them with their bathing suits.  They were very excited!
They next morning they headed to the space center and spent half the day there.  They really enjoyed seeing everything and learning about it all.  Rachel says she's even interested in space camp now.
They got back late Thursday night but had a great time.  Friday, I stayed home with them and it was more of a relaxing day.  They did have two friends come over to play and we went to the playground for a little while - it was nice outside and everyone was there. 
This weekend we celebrated Nannette's 75th birthday by going out to dinner.
The kids are back in school this week.  About six more weeks until spring break and another week off.  Rachel is starting soccer again this week but this time it's for her school which is a little more competitive than the Upward league she's played in before.  That will run until May. 
Until next time...

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